showing 8 games

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeartagsdescription
Chuckie Egg A&F Software;Einsoft1985 3disk birds claiming commercial instantdeath keyboard ladders license-proprietary lives score timelimit labelminimizeminimize
Fu-Kung in Las Vegas Einsoft1985 instantdeath labelminimizeminimize
Oh Mummy! Einsoft (Gem Software)1984 amidarlike archeologistprotagonist egypt instantdeath lives mummies score walking labelimageminimize
Qogo 2 Orion Software Games (Syntaxsoft)1986 ♫stairwaytoheaven 3disk claiming claiming-area commercial grid grid-square instantdeath joystick langinsignificant license-proprietary lives score supernaturalvssupernatural labelminimizeminimize
Jet Set Willy Software Projects1985 claiming commercial disappearingplatforms falldamage harmfultouch instantdeath jetsetwilly license-proprietary lives locationinfo mansion platformer timelimit walking willyminer Miner Willy, intrepid explorer and nouveau-riche socialite, has been reaping the benefits of his fortunate discovery in Surbiton. He has a yacht, a cliff-top mansion, an Italian housekeeper and a French cook, and hundreds of new found friends who REALLY know how to enjoy themselves at a party.

His housekeeper, Maria, however, takes a very dim view of all his revelry, and finally after a particularly boisterous thrash she puts her foot down. When the last of the louts disappears down the drive in his Aston Martin, all Willy can think about is crashing out in his four-poster. But Maria won't let him into his room until ALL the discarded glasses and bottles have been cleared away.

Can you help Willy out of his dilemma? He hasn't explored his mansion properly yet (it IS a large place and he HAS been VERY busy) and there are some very strange things going on in the further recesses of the house (I wonder what the last owner WAS doing in his laboratory the night he disappeared).

You should manage O.K though you will probably find some loonies have been up on the roof and I would check down the road and on the beach if I was you. Good luck and don't worry, all you can lose in this game is sleep.
Jet Set Willy II: The Final Frontier Software Projects198? claiming disappearingplatforms falldamage harmfultouch instantdeath jetsetwilly lives rehash timelimit walking willyminer labelminimizeminimize
Manic Miner Software Projects1985 ♫mountainking claiming commercial disappearingplatforms falldamage harmfultouch instantdeath license-proprietary lives platformer score subterranean timelimit walking willyminer labelminimizeminimize
Knight Lore Tatung;Ultimate Play The Game? harmfultouch instantdeath involuntarystates knightlorelike lives roombased sabreman shapeshifting werewolves labelminimizeminimize